Service Programs by Age
-服务内容(按年龄分类) -
College matters. A review of current research on adjustment issues of student and college success, caregivers should never pay too little concern with the social and academic challenges of college life. With early identification of college readiness and the gap between academic performance and social Understanding, some hidden difficulties should have been tackled before the onset of crisis. Our College Readiness programs cover important themes such as Smart Use of Learning Support Services, Organization Skills and Self Regulation (Mood and Attention Control), Daily Life Adaptive and Interpersonal Skills, Pre-career internship, Study-to-work transitions.
Programs on Assessment for Ed. and Career Planning |
Career Profiling 职业经历重组 |
Interpersonal and Independent Skill Building 社交及独立技能训练 |
Family Psycho-education 家庭心理教育 |
Social Emotion Education (Tailor made) 情绪社交教育 (度身编制) |
Behavioral Coaching (ADHD, ASD, Mood) 行为复康训练 (专注力失调丶自闭症丶情绪失调等) |
Referrals for Specialist Evaluation 转介各类复康服务 |
College-based Case Follow-up 到校跟进学生个案 |
Individual Counseling 个别辅导 |
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